On this episode of Me Myself and I Radio Anthony Hayes is joined by guest Amanda Doughty. Amanda Doughty is the host of a wicked awesome podcast about BEER! Yes it is true Amanda is every mans dream, but back off this is my drinking buddy for today!
My co-pilot on today’s self discovery journey is a fellow podcaster and beer enthusiast. She hosts great Beer Adventure, a podcast that examines the stories behind the craft brewing industry.
Listen as we explore the Me (Past) Myself (Present) and I (Future) Elements of Amanda Doughty; from The Great Beer Adventure Podcast.
Amanda Doughty let’s get into Me Myself and I shall we…?
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Amanda has come a long way since she was a little girl living in the middle of nowhere Maine. After fighting depression, eating disorders, and loneliness, she has finally found comfort in her own skin. Through finding love, becoming a mother and embracing her passions, she is (working on) soaring through her thirties! Amanda founded Great Beer Adventure, a podcast that examines the stories behind the craft brewing industry, in order to learn more about the creativity that drives the industry. She has found her calling behind the mic and is truly loving the adventure!
Amanda Doughty on Me Myself and I Radio Podcaster and Beer Enthusiast
“Beer and podcasting have definitely helped me find my place in the world.”
“It’s not good poetry.”
“Art and writing and being creative are ways that I…use those as therapy for myself quite often.”
“[Writing] It’s like pouring out all these emotions that I don’t want to hold on too.”
“I refuse to give up.”
Self Awareness/Self Care/Perseverance
Refuse to give up.
Keep trying.
Do something about it.
Great Beer Adventure Podcast on iTunes
Show music introduction “Do It All For The Dream” provided with permission from Lovestruck Robot by Jace Magee. Please visit lovestruckrobot.com for more information or iTunes to download now.
Voiceover from: Spike Real The Big Voice http://cmo247.com/SpikeReal
Thank you for listening to Me Myself and I Radio Podcast with Anthony Hayes! Please subscribe on iTunes, leave a rating and review and tell a friend.
I’m so excited to bring you my first book The Science of Being Surviving; Depression which has become an Amazon Top 100 Seller in two categories.
ps. signed copies available only at memyselfandiradio.com/support
Coming soon to Me Myself and I Radio Podcast Ross Barber-Smith
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