
Why does a child posess The Purest Soul?

Raising Violet – The Daddy Diaries

Daddy's Girl

Violet Rose

“Why does a child posses the Purest Soul?”

By: Anthony Hayes

Untainted by the world, ego, expectations a child is the only truly Pure Soul that exists. Everything they are is genuine. Everything they do is honest. Everything they see is beautiful. When you look into your child’s eyes gazing back at you, as they start to recognize the world, you catch a glimpse of how they see things. It only lasts for a second or two, but for those two seconds you are free. Free from hatred, free from stereotypes, free from your circumstances. They just ‘are’_

  • You are all that matters to them
  • Your child hangs on everything you do, everything you say.
  • You are their superhero.
  • You are their knight in shining Armour and no one can take that away from you.

When they cry they need you. When they laugh it’s because to them your lame jokes and faces are actually funny 😀 Forget the old wives tales of self soothing, and too much attention; becoming needy or what have you. The time for all that is NOW. This year, the milestones, growth, all of it is going to flash before your eyes. Then pretty soon, like me, you will be planning your “Violets” 1st birthday party.

All a father can spend on his child is time

A child’s entire being is pure. Enjoy it while you can because their is nothing like it in this world. Fatigue will set in after a long day at work. The to-do lists will grow. Take a deep breath, be in the moment. Focus on what you are doing right now. Living in such fast pace society it’s easy to get caught up in tasks and forget about what matters the most. Be in the moment as it will be gone before you know it. I must say 20x a day “I love this baby so much.” When I’m not with her I’m lost, as I’m sure is she.



Bath time

No matter how the day went it always ends the same. Bath time is our time. For that 10 minutes time is nonexistent. Hopefully your child enjoys taking a bath as much as Violet because it will make it that much easier. I quack like a duck, sing the “The Bath Time Song” and when we are done its time for the “Footy Jam Dance.” I haven’t yet decided if I am going to make a vlog of me making a fool of myself.


  1. STOP

“Control the controllable, as for the rest Keep on flowing…Just be.”

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Author, Podcaster, Blogger, Dad, Mental Health Advocate.

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